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Top 10 classics on traditional Chinese medicine

2013-08-21 09:51:41



#8 The Pulse Classic (《脉经》)

The Pulse Classic (Pinyin: Mai Jing) is a masterpiece on TCM's sphygmology written by Wang Shuhe in the 3rd century in the Western Jin Dynasty. Composed of 10 volumes and 98 chapters, it is the first works entirely devoted to pulse study in ancient China.

Based on the The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon (Pinyin: Huangdi Neijing), The Yellow Emperor's Canon of 81 Difficult Issues (Pinyin: Nan Jing) and the views of Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo, the book collected the important material and reference on the pulse diagnosis methods, pathological mechanism reflected by the pulses and the significance of pulse diagnosis before the Jin Dynasty.

For the first time in the history, the book categorized all the pulse conditions into 24 types and described each in detail.

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