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Sinologists pay visit to cultural sites in Beiing

2014-09-22 17:09:13

( By Yu Yao


The second session of "2014 Visiting Program for Young Sinologists" opened in Beijing in September. Thirty-eight excellent young sinologists from 25 countries such as the US, Russia, the UK, Egypt, India and South Korea were invited to this session. During the program, sinologists went to Ming Tombs and the Juyong Pass of the Great Wall to experience Chinese culture and landscape.

Ming Tombs are a collection of imperial mausoleums built by the Chinese Ming dynasty emperors. They are within the suburban Changping District of Beijing municipality, 42 kilometres away from Beijing city center.

They also visited the Juyong Pass of the Great Wall, which is a mountain pass also located in the Changping District of Beijing. The pass is one of the three greatest mountain passes of the Great Wall of China.

Judith Suchanek, a sinologist from Austria, said this is not her first time being here, and is impressed by the changes it has undergone over the past few years.

Vignonn Gountin, a sinologist from Benin said that though he has climbed the Great Wall many times, he had different experiences each time.

He also expressed his view that as young sinologists pay more attention to modern China, they will better promote the integration of traditional culture with modern culture of China. He thinks the program has helped young sinologists got to know more about China and can help popularize Chinese culture overseas.

Reporter: Bi Nan

Editor: Yu Yao

Voiceover: Anne Ruisi

Special thanks to Wei Zheng

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