The Subtle Body by the Gold No Trade Theater Company from the US opens the festival. |
"The box office income has continued to rise in recent years, but we are still struggling with financial difficulties," Yu says. Besides asking for support from official sources, Yu also calls on private sponsors for theater art.
"We don't have much money. As a State-owned theater company, we are obliged to introduce good shows from abroad. It's with the same mindset that we decided to take the zero-emission initiative," he says.
"We hope to raise awareness first among our own workers and audiences. They will pay attention to the energy consumption in their daily life and maybe do something to cut it down a little," says Cai Biye from SDAC, who is working on the zero emission project in collaboration with Emissions Zero, a carbon-neutrality company based in Shanghai.
"We think more theaters may follow us," Cai says. "After all, the idea is well established in many parts of the world."
Contact the writer at zhangkun@chinadaily.com.cn.
The Subtle Body, by Gold No Trade from the US. Chinese and English dialogue, with Chinese and English subtitles.
7:30 pm, Nov 5 and 6. Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center-Drama Salon, 3F, 288 Anfu Lu, Xuhui district, Shanghai. 150-280 yuan.
Have a Good Day, by Operamanija from the Republic of Lithuania. Lithuanian dialogue, with Chinese and English subtitles.
7:30 pm, Nov 19 and 20. Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center. 80 yuan.
La Omission de La Familia Coleman, by TeatroTimbre4 from Argentina. Spanish Dialogue, with Chinese and English subtitles.
7:30 pm, Nov 12 and 13. Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center-Drama Salon. 150-280 yuan.
Anton's Uncles, by Theater Movement Bazaar from the US. English dialogue, with Chinese subtitles.
7:30 pm, Nov 5-10; 2 pm, Nov 9 and 10. 1933 Shanghai Micro Theater, 611 Liyang Lu, Hongkou district, Shanghai. 120-180 yuan.
A Bowlful of Kindness, by Hong Kong Repertory Theater. Cantonese Dialogue, with Chinese subtitles.
7:30 pm, Nov 8 and 9; 2:30 pm, Nov 9 and 10.
Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center. 150-300 yuan
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