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  Xinjiang in Brief
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( 2005-09-13 )

 Brief Introduction

The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (Xin for short) is located in Northwest China, with its capital city in Urumqi.

Surrounded by lofty mountains, Xinjiang is known far and wide as the home of fruits and melons. Its main agricultural produces include wheat, corn, cotton, and plenty of fruit likeHami melon, grape, fig, Ili apple, and so on. As one of China's five major pastoral areas, it has advanced livestock breeding. It also has rich resources of petroleum, boulder, gold, and nonferrous metals.

Xinjiang is well known for the expanse of its area and richness of natural resources, as well for its wonderful scenic spots and enchanting spectacles of nature. Many "mosts" of China are found in Xinjiang -- the driest, hottest, and coldest places are in Xinjiang, and China's longest inland river, lowest land, and greatest desert are here as well. Here the tourist can see a most spectacular and engrossing topography of the world, locally known as "Yadan." The longest inland river, theTurpanBasin, is the second-lowest land on the earth next to the Dead Sea in Jordan, while the Mount Qogir (also known as K2), 8,611 meters above sea level, is second in height only to Mount Everest.

Historical and cultural tourism in Xinjiang is most attractive for its unique charm. TheSilk Road, which runs across Xinjiang horizontally, is known to the whole world. Xinjiang is endowed with 236 ancient cultural sites, tombs, architectures, Buddhist caves, stone sculptures, and modern commemorative monuments of historical, artistic, and scientific value. Within the territory of Xinjiang, there are a number of ancient city ruins such as Gaochang Ancient City, City Site in the State ofLoulan, and the Site ofNiya. The region has established 22 nature reserves.

Vast in area, Xinjiang has various types of geographical conditions and multitudes of regional and ethical cultures. Its scenic spots and historical sites include theHeavenly Lakeof Tian Mountain, theFlaming Mountains of Turpan, the Mosque in Kaxi, and so on.

Xinjiang is also a region of many minority groups in China, and its people is known far and wide for being excellent at singing and dancing.

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