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  China's voice to be heard in tackling crisis  

China has been playing an important role in the world economic and financial scenario and its voice has to be heard in dealing with the current global financial crisis, Velia Hernandez, professor of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), said on Sunday.

The "Chinese miracle", that occurred over the past three decades, is the country's best presentation card, elaborating China's relevant point of views before the international community, Hernandez, a China expert, said in an interview with Xinhua.

The Chinese mode of development started to take shape since the opening up and reform policies implemented in 1978. "They have proved to be very effective in practice in achieving the surprising economic and social development," said professor Hernandez from the Politics and Social Sciences Department in UNAM.

The scale of China's economy as well as its influence on the international economic and financial sectors made the country an essential force to find solutions to the financial upheavals that the world is suffering now, Hernandez told Xinhua.

China's search for a balanced international atmosphere was made clear at the G20 summit in Washington, said Hernandez. The call made by President Hu Jintao to reform the current international financial system is in accordance with the policies and actions adopted by China.

"China has always promoted a new international financial order that is fair, just, inclusive and orderly to help maintain a healthy global economic growth," Hernandez noted.

"Besides, as an emerging economy and as the world's biggest developing country, China defended the developing countries' interests during the summit," Hernandez added.

An example was the proposal put forward by President Hu that international efforts should be made to help the developing countries and the least developed ones to cope with the international financial crisis.

"The interest shown by China toward the most vulnerable countries constitute a responsible attitude, very needed in the current circumstances," Hernandez said.

Hu's proposal on the international financial system reform should be put in place quickly and be guided correctly to ensure the solution of financial crisis and the revival of global economy, Hernandez said.

The world would benefit from China's pragmatic attitude under the complicated economic and financial conditions, as well as the Chinese adjustments in policies to adapt to such circumstances, Hernandez added.

Source: Xinhua

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