About CCC

Chinese Culture Centers (CCCs) are located in countries outside of China. CCCs are institutions whose mission is to promote and spread Chinese culture abroad, to encourage mutual understanding between the people of different nations, and deepen cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and their host country.
Chinese Culture Centers do this in a number of ways, including:
- Providing the general public of the host country with advice about China and Chinese culture through the information center. This involves the use of a website, libraries, forums, and seminars, to provide detailed and authoritative information and advisory services.
- Overseas promotion of Chinese language and cultural skills training centers offer not only Chinese language classes, but also offers dance, martial arts, calligraphy, cooking, and more.
- Holding various performances, exhibitions, film festivals, book fairs and other cultural activities, CCC’s show the activities of the center to host countries, and the people get their own experience of Chinese culture;
- Acts as a service center for Chinese cultural institutions and enterprises. CCC’s organize the Chinese Cultural Week, arts festivals, product launches, and more for the host country’s domestic cultural institutions and enterprises. These are used as a platform for branching out.
- Managing and initiating foreign culture exchanges such as a ‘discovery of China’talk, scholarship tours, short-term training, and many other initiatives focused on capitalizing on the initial culture links the centers make.