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No Matter How Spring Festival’s Atmosphere Changed, Love from Family is Eternal


2. Momeories of the “Good Old Days” are Indelible and Irreplaceable

The sweet memory of our youth during the Spring Festival can be so deep that we review it continuously. Adults have a tendency to compare current times with the past, which can make them believe the present time can not match the old time.


3. Higher Standard of Living Dilutes Spring Festival’s Joy

People’s quest for a better life is limited, and, in a sense, it’s a powerful driving force for promoting social progress which is absolutely positive. But in a personal sense, the quest may develop into an expanding desire if you pursue too much. If you are struggling for food and clothing and have no shelter, a full meal and a small apartment would be your dream. After you reach the comfortably-off level, delicacies and villas may be your goal. But once you achieve all of this, you may complain about the spiritual life.

Year after year, we tangle in our quest, or a kind of desire, which makes us increasingly upset about low salaries and setbacks we encounter during a career. Even our friends’ new cars and big houses would put us to shame. On this occasion, we can’t feel the atmosphere in depression.

4. Socializing Complicates the Festival

There are many tedious things for us to consider and prepare before the festival, such as what goods to purchase, whether to spend this year’s festival with the husband’s family or the wife’s family, or which gifts to send to bosses and friends. Such things can cause negativity during the Spring Festival.


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