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No Matter How Spring Festival’s Atmosphere Changed, Love from Family is Eternal


The Spring Festival is accompanied by a series if celebration ceremonies, such as pasting couplets, the New Year’s Eve dinner, lucky money and welcoming the God of the Wealth. They are the indispensable part of the culture of this festival. Some people believe the lack of ceremony leads to a result where we cannot enjoy the spirit of the festival. As a matter of fact, our society is changing constantly, and so is the outer form of the Spring Festival. We cannot and do not need to pay too much attention to the cumbersome details. The Spring Festival culture has a long history because it creates a firm spiritual home and only by depending on the inner spirit can the outer form become meaningful.


No need to mention, everyone feels the atmosphere of Spring Festival by heart, even in the crowded waiting room of railway station. Spring Festival is not only about new gifts and clothes, but is also a spiritual celebration, which is why this festival has been kept alive for thousands of years. No matter how Spring Festival’s atmosphere has changed, the love for one’s family is eternal.

Translated by Chang Yixin

Editor: Shi Liwei

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