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10 Most Expensive Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Artworks in 2011

Updated: 2012-02-15 17:42



唐寅《仿李唐山水》 Tang Yin(1470-1524): (the Mountains and Rivers of Tang Dynasty)

Transaction price: 172million yuan

Date of sale: 2011-06-09

Auction house: BeijingJiuge Auctions

Tang Yin created this work when he was 29 years old and presented it to Wen Lin, Wen Zhengming’s father. He used skills from the South Song Dynasty (1127-1279) to show the strong hill stones. The trees and thatched cottage are hearted, free and easy. It reflects the Wu art style. From this artwork, we can feel indifferent like water and do not seek the fame and wealth of the author. Thus, this painting was hard to find.

Translated by Chai Limeng

Editor: Wen Yi

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