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Xinjiang's Bests
( 2005-09-13 )

The largest administrative area

Northwest China'sXinjiangUygur Autonomous Region is the largest administrative area in the country, covering an area of more than 1,660,000 square kilometers, which accounts for 1/6 of the national land area.

The longest frontier line

Xinjiang has the longest land frontier line in China. It borders the eight countries of Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, with a borderline of 5,600 kilometers.

Largest county in area

Ruoqiang County of Xinjiang is the largest county in China, with an area of more than 200,000 square kilometers.

Westernmost place of China's territory

The westernmost place of China's territory is on the Pamirs (a high mountain chain mainly in Tajikistan) west of Wuqia County in Xinjiang.

City farthest from sea

Urumqi is the inland city farthest from sea in the world, with the nearest sea being 2,250 kilometers away from the coast.

Lowest terrestrial place

The Aiding Lake in theTurpanBasin, being 155 meters below sea level, is the lowest place in China and the second-lowest place in the world, next to only the Dead Sea (-391 meters) of Jordan.

Longest inland river

TheTarim Riveris the longest inland river in China, with a total length of 2,179 kilometers.

Largest inland freshwater lake

The Bosten Lake in Xinjiang is the largest inland freshwater lake in China, with a total area of 980 square kilometers.

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