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Xinjiang's Bests
( 2005-09-13 )

Only river flowing into the Arctic Ocean

TheErtix Riverin Xinjiang is the only river in China that flows into the Arctic Ocean.

Natural ice stadium at the highest topography

TheHeavenly Lakeunder Peak Bogda of the Tianshan Mountains is a natural ice stadium at the highest topography, about 980 meters above sea level.

The most open peaks

Xinjiang is the area with the most open peaks in China, as a total of 11 peaks are open to the public.

Largest glacier

The Yinsugaiti Glacier in Xinjiang's Pamirs is the largest glacier in China, with a length of about 40 kilometers.

Largest inland basin

The Tarim Basin of Xinjiang is the largest inland basin in China, with an area of 560,000 square kilometers.

Largest natural poplar forest

The Tarim Basin in Xinjiang has the largest natural poplar forest in China, in terms of both area and distribution. The poplar forest has an area of 3,800 square kilometers.

Richest liquorice resource

Xinjiang has the riches resources of liquorice in China.

The highest output of caladium

Xinjiang has the highest output, widest distribution, and most diversified plant species of caladium in China.

The best clovers

Xinjiang clovers have the best quality in China.

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