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Xinjiang's Bests
( 2005-09-13 )

Earliest Grottos

The Kezil Thousand-Buddha Caves in Xinjiang's Baicheng County are the earliest grottos in China.

Largest mosque

The Id Kah Mosque in Kashi is the largest mosque in China.

Longest underground irrigation system

Xinjiang'sKarezis the longest underground irrigation system in China, totaling more than 5,000 kilometers.

Jadewith the best quality

Hotan is famous for its jade resources. Its jade has the best quality in China, and is famous around the world.

Long-staple cotton with the best quality

Xinjiang's long-staple cotton has the best quality and the largest output in China.

Largest siderolite

China's largest siderolite (a kind of meteorite) is the one exhibited in the Xinjiang Exhibition Museum. The siderolite is about 242 centimeters long, 185 centimeters wide, and 137 centimeters tall, weighing about 30 tons. It is also the third-largest siderolite in the world.

Longest mine tram rail

China's longest mine tram rail by far is the one in the depths of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, with a total length of 20.6 kilometers.

The longest airline and most flight stations

Xinjiang has the longest airline and the most flight stations for civil aviation in China.

Highway at the highest altitude

The Xinjiang-Tibet Highway is the highest highway in China as well as in the world. It is over 5,000 meters above sea level on average, with the highest point reaching 6,035 meters.

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