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Research, Excavation, Documentation and Protection of Cultural Relics
( 2005-09-13 )

 Museum of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

The museum of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is one of the key institutions of Xinjiang for the collection, study, protection and dissemination of information about cultural relics. Charged with the mission of cultural promotion and advancement, it has launched many initiatives and programs to illustrate the civilizations of the Silk Road and the rich local cultures. Receiving about 100,000 visitors annually, the museum now serves as an important window on the ancient Silk Road culture.

The permanent exhibition in the Xinjiang Museum is entitled "Xinjiang's Historical and Cultural Relics." About 2,000 artifacts are displayed in this collection, which vividly depicts the scene of a bustling Xinjiang as the hub of several world civilizations when Silk Road travel was in its prime. It also testifies to the fact that Xinjiang has been an integral part of China since ancient times.

The museum serves not only as an outlet of information, but also a base for academic research and exchange. For years, the museum's experts and scholars have been actively involved in international academic studies and projects, and domestic and foreign researchers have been visiting the museum for their work. Such collaborations have opened up development prospects for the museum. Currently, new museum buildings with modern features are under construction. The new wings, geared toward the Western Region and ethnic cultures, will house eight exhibitions altogether: two major exhibitions, namely "Xinjiang Historical and Cultural Relics" and "Xinjiang Ethnic Life;" four medium-scale displays, "Xinjiang Ancient Mummies," "Xinjiang Steppes Culture," "Xinjiang Grotto Painting Arts" and "Xinjiang Revolutionary History"; and, two small exhibitions, "Xinjiang Calligraphy, Painting and Carving" and "Xinjiang Natural Fossils."

 Xinjiang Qiuci Grottos Institute

Set up in 1985 and located in the Kizil Grottos, southeast of the Kizil Village, Baicheng County, the Xinjiang Qiuci Grottos Institute is mainly dedicated to the protection, management and research of the grottos in the ancient Qiuci area (in the area of today's Kuche, Xinhe and Shaya), including four key sites under State protection: Kizil Grottos, Kumutula Grottos, Kizilgaha Grottos, Senmusaimu Grottos and four key sites under Autonomous Regional protection: Taitai'er Grottos, Mazhaboha Grottos, Tuohulake'aiken Grottos and Wenbashi Grottos

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