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Research, Excavation, Documentation and Protection of Cultural Relics
( 2005-09-13 )

 Archaeology, protection and study of Xinjiang Culture Relics

Since 1949, close attention and broad support have been given by both central and provincial governments to Xinjiang for its archeological undertakings. Notable achievements have been scored through the hard work of archeologists.

To date, some 4,000 ancient cultural remains have been found through general surveys, among which 41 have been listed as sites under top State protection, such as the ancient cities of Loulan, Jiaohe and Gaochang, the Niya Remains, the Kizil Grottos, the Site for the Ili General's Mansion, and the Kumutula Grottos. There are also 303 sites under provincial protection and 976 sites under county protection. More than 100 sites have been officially investigated and excavated, with numerous precious findings, including two of the "10 major archeological findings of the year" -- the 1995 excavation of the Niya Remains and the 1997 documentation of the Yingpan Tombs.

With the support and help of the provincial and national governments, UNESCO and international personages, scientific care-taking and organization of major ground sites have been made possible, involving tens of millions of RMB. Many endangered cultural properties have been effectively protected for sustainable development, such as the Kizil Grottos, the ancient cities of Jiaohe, Loulan and the Site of Ili General's Mansion.

In the academic field, a basic framework for prehistoric cultures in the Xinjiang region has been formed, and comprehensive knowledge has been obtained about the cultural landscape in Xiyu during the Han and Tang dynasties, and the history of the Silk Road. More than a dozen major archeological reports have been published by Xinjiang scholars, as well as 1,000-plus reports and articles, which largely facilitated related historical and other research, and added to the success of Xinjiang's archeological undertakings.

 Stupa of the Loulan ancient city

The stupa, lying in the northeast of the ancient city, is made of earthen bricks and partly buried into the ground. The foundation is triple-squared, the main body an octagon, and the top cylindrical. Approx. Han to Jin dynasties (206BC- AD420).

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