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Research, Excavation, Documentation and Protection of Cultural Relics
( 2005-09-13 )

 Residential area, the Niya Remains

The area is at the center of the Niya Remains. It consists of a courtyard with roofed corridors, a main hall, several bedrooms, kitchen, storehouse, and animal cote. Around Third to Fourth centuries.

  Inner city of the ancient city of Jiaohe

The inner city is divided into eastern and western parts, intersected by a central street, a number of north-south main streets and east-west roads, and pierced by city-gates. The density of diversified construction areas bears testimony to a prosperous ancient Jiaohe City. From the Han to the Yuan dynasties (206BC - AD1368).

 Ruins of houses, the Niya Remains

The houses are in the northern part of the Niya Remains. It comprises 10-plus sites of house ruins, several animal pens, corridors and yards. Around Third to Fourth centuries.

 Great Buddha Temple, the ancient city of Jiaohe

The temple lies in the north of Jiaohe ancient city's central street, and covers a rectangular area of 88 meters (N-S) * 59 meters (W-E). Constructions include gates, yards, halls and rooms. First built in the Qushi reign of Gaochang Period in the Sixth century and later abandoned in the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).

 Cheshi aristocrat tombs in the north of Jiaohe valley

The tombs are located in the north of the Ancient City of Jiaohe, Turpan, and were excavated in 1994. Spreading around one big tomb are about a dozen subsidiary tombs and a dozen tombs for ritual horses and camels. Burial items are very abundant. Around the Han Dynasty (206BC - AD220).

  Yingpan ancient city

The city, 150 kilometers southeast of Yuli County, is round with a diameter of 190 meters. The surrounding wall, built through piling, is 3-7-meters high and 5-meters wide. Estimated in Han and Jin dynasties (206BC-420).

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