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Research, Excavation, Documentation and Protection of Cultural Relics
( 2005-09-13 )

Fundamental research and academic innovation have long been two focuses. For the last 30 years, it has published many of its academic achievements, with more than a few being honored for academic excellence at provincial or national levels. Among them there are a variety of catalogs: Xinjiang's Ancient Ethnic Cultural Relics, Phallic Rock Paintings in the Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang, Xinjiang Colored Pottery, Archeological Treasures from the Xinjiang Silk Road, A Panorama of Xinjiang Cultural Relics and Historic Sites; reports: Thirty Years of Xinjiang Archeology, New Finds in Xinjiang Archeological Research; Reports of China-Japan Joint Research on the Niya Remains, The Old City of Jiaohe, Xinjiang Chawuhu, West of the Valley of Jiaohe, Xinjiang Shanpula; and, about 1,000 academic theses.

Meanwhile, the institute has also been working with various departments to hold exhibitions worldwide, including "Beauties of the Loulan Kingdom" (1992-93, Japan), "Archeological Treasures from Xinijang's Silk Road" (1998, Shanghai), "Selected Cultural Relics from Xinjiang's Silk Road" (1999, Beijing), "Cultural Relics from the Keliya River Reaches" (2000, France), "Unearthed Cultural Relics from Niya, Xinjiang's Silk Road" (2000, Hangzhou), "Cultural Relics from the Silk Road: A Grand View" (2002, Japan) and "Selected Cultural Relics from the Silk Road" (2003, Beijing). The impact of these exhibitions is profound.

 Cultural Treasures Unearthed in Xinjiang

Xinjiang, an integral part of China since the Western Han Dynasty (206BC - AD24), has long been a meeting place of ancient Eastern and Western civilizations due to its important location on the ancient Silk Road. Throughout history, people living in this area have developed a magnificent civilization, which has left a precious wealth of cultural heritage. The large number of relics discovered over the last century is a great source of national and international interest. These treasures are an irreplaceable record of the historical development of the ancient Xiyu cultures, and have contributed to making China more diversifiednd united.

Among the unearthed cultural relics of Xinjiang are stone and bone utensils dating back to ancient times, beautifully decorated colored pottery, finely made and original bronze wares, vivid and intricate embroideries of the Han (206BC - 200AD) and Tang (618AD - 907AD) dynasties, magnificent Buddhist murals, elegant wood pieces, books and silk scrolls with paintings or characters from ancient ethnic groups, majestic gold and silver wares, glasses, coral and other jewels, rare mummies with clothes intact, and precious steles and inscriptions marking significant historical moments. Since the founding of the People's Republic in 1949, about 110,000 cultural relics have been unearthed or found in Xinjiang, 700 of which are ranked as having great value. One of the most famous may be the unique brocade arm-shield with letters reading, "Five Stars of the East Favor the Central Kingdom," made in the Han and Jin dynasties (206BC - AD316) and unearthed in the Niya Remains, Minfeng County.

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